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Test Cases

Make sure your application passes the following test scenarios, if applicable, before going live.


No.Test CaseDescriptionExpected Result
1Validation SuccessPurchase a One-Time product- You receive a successful response
- The transaction is visible in the Application Details
- Sandbox transaction did not reduce app quota
2Validation FailedSend a fake receipt or valid transaction from a different app- You receive an error response
- The transaction is not visible in the Application Details
- You display a message to the user
3Content UnlockUnlock app content after purchase- Your app can parse successful validations and unlocks content accordingly
4RestoreInvoke the native transaction restore mechanism- On re-install, purchases on the user's account are retrieved
- Transactions are validated and unlock content again
- If restore is not supported, you provide some other form of backup to claim back previous purchases


No.Test CaseDescriptionExpected Result
1Validation SuccessPurchase a Subscription product- You receive a successful response
- The transaction is visible in the Application Details
- Sandbox transaction did not reduce app quota
2Validation FailedSend an expired or declined receipt- You receive an error response
- The transaction is not visible in the Application Details
- You display a message to the user
3Content UnlockUnlock app content based on status- Your app can parse the current subscription status and unlocks or denies content accordingly
4Refresh StatusCheck subscription status every few minutes- The subscription in user inventory gets updated
- Your app understands different subscription status responses
- You display a message to the user in case of billing issues
- You remove content when the subscription expired


No.Test CaseDescriptionExpected Result
1IdentifierSet User ID- Your authentication system works and correctly sets the User ID
- Without authentication, you make use of validation response's User ID
- The device returns the same User ID on subsequent logins
2InventoryCheck user inventory- Requesting user inventory returns all previous purchases, or empty
- Consumable purchases are not listed
3User BehaviourSend same receipt multiple times from different User IDs- Depending on selection in App Setup, validation is either blocked, user gets replaced or added
- Verify that requests in cooldown period (Transfer) or above user limit (Alias) fail
4Sandbox StorageCheck Transaction and User Inventory existence- Depending on User Behaviour, re-validation is blocked or continues to return same response for one hour
- User Inventory is not empty after purchase
- After one hour, User Inventory is empty and transaction can be validated again


No.Test CaseDescriptionExpected Result
1Response DataServer receives webhook- Your server successfully receives the webhook data and can read its contents
2Data ProcessingServer processes webhook- Your integration successfully processes webhook data and writes expected outputs to your backend system, if any