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Apple App Store

Setup Instructions

Apple App Store integration requires data from your application in App Store Connect. If you are offering subscriptions, enabling App Store Server Notifications, which delivers updates about subscription states and expirations to the IAPGUARD backend in realtime, is required as well.

In the following screenshot, you can see the required fields we are going to fill out. Edit your Application to get started.

  • Bundle ID
  • License Key
  • Account ID (Issuer & KID Key)


Bundle ID

The Bundle ID is displayed when editing your application in App Store Connect.

  • Navigate to Apps > Your App > App Store tab > General - App Information
  • In the General Information section, copy the value next to your app name into the IAPGUARD Dashboard as Bundle ID


Account ID

The Account ID consists of two parts, the Issuer Key and KID Key. You cannot find these fields within your application, but in the Users and Access area.

  • Navigate to the Users and Access area
  • Navigate to the Keys tab
  • In the App Store Connect API section, locate an Issuer ID value
    • If there is no Issuer ID visible, you have to add an user with the Admin role first
  • Navigate to the In-App Purchase section
  • Copy-paste the Issuer ID into the IAPGUARD Dashboard under Account ID as Issuer Key
  • Create a new key and copy-paste the KEY ID into the IAPGUARD Dashboard under Account ID as KID Key

Please contact Support if you have issues with this process or require further assistance.

After this step, your project settings should look like this:


License Key

In the last step, a new key was created. Please note that this key can only be downloaded once, so make sure to save it in a secure location.

  • Open the downloaded *.p8 file
  • Copy-paste its full contents into the IAPGUARD Dashboard as License Key

Again, note that the full key should be copied, including the -----BEGIN... -----END... parts and all line breaks inbetween.

Server Notifications


This step is required when offering subscriptions.


The Server URL is the same for Production and Sandbox.

  • Navigate to Apps > Your App > App Store tab > General - App Information
  • In the App Store Server Notifications section, add the following URL for both environments{YourAppID}/apple

Replace {YourAppID} with the application ID that is displayed when editing your IAPGUARD application.
